RLI Monthly Kingdom Gathering – April 2023

“Gather my Godly ones to Me, those who have made a covenant with Me by sacrifice.”  Psalm 50:5 NASB Join us for our Monthly Kingdom Gathering The Lord is opening wells of revival fire in the hearts of those who aren’t satisfied with business as...

Worship and Prayer Revival Nights

Our hearts have been stirred by the outpouring of the presence of the Lord in revivals breaking out at universities and in cities all around the nation. We have been pursuing revival in our region for the last few years.  After Bryn and Mike visited Asbury University...

RLI Kingdom Gathering with Pastor Todd Smith

“Gather My godly ones to Me, those who have made a covenant with Me by sacrifice.” Psalm 50:5 NASB  Join us for the next The Kingdom Gathering. March 15, 2023 About The Kingdom Gathering: The Lord is opening wells of revival in our region in the hearts of those who...

RLI Monthly Kingdom Gathering

“Gather my Godly ones to Me, those who have made a covenant with Me by sacrifice.”  Psalm 50:5 NASB Join us for our Monthly Kingdom Gathering The Lord is opening wells of revival fire in the hearts of those who aren’t satisfied with busines as...

RLI Monthly Kingdom Gathering

“Gather my Godly ones to Me, those who have made a covenant with Me by sacrifice.”  Psalm 50:5 NASB Join us for our Monthly Kingdom Gathering The Lord is opening wells of revival fire in the hearts of those who aren’t satisfied with busines as...