I attended the RLI conference several years ago and experienced amazing healing – I was cured of cancer and cured of an addiction to cigarettes.  Time had passed, and my life had shifted again.  I was experiencing health, relational and emotional issues.  When I saw the newsletter about the RLI conference being held in Richmond Indiana, I decided it was time for me to go and get a tune-up!

At the conference I was reminded of several significant truths that can make a huge difference in the way one experiences life:   Guard my thoughts! I am not my sin! I’m not in a battle with flesh and blood; if people are acting out, realize that it is not them (who God made them to be) but the spirits in them!

At this conference, I was able to recognize the unloving spirit that was holding me back from being all that God intended me to be.  I was finally able to let God’s love penetrate into all areas of my life.  The greatest miracle is that I now can receive the truth that I am God’s child and I deserve all the blessings that our wonderful Lord wants me to have.

My life has totally changed since coming to the conference.  I don’t have to have the spirit of accusation, nor do I have ill feelings towards anybody – no bitterness, no hatred, no anger, and no rage. The unloving spirit had held me back from loving and caring about people.  It kept me in isolation and depression.  No more secret world where I only showed people what I wanted them to see.  I don’t have to play mind games any more.  I can have healthy, real relationships.

I want to thank RLI and the Gateway Church for such a wonderful conference.  I would tell anyone who will listen that they should come to an RLI conference and experience God’s true freedom for yourself!

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