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The Kingdom Gathering
Saturday, March 13, 2021 @ 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Wells of revival are being opened.
The Lord is looking for those who want to go deeper.
The Fire of revival is burning in the hearts and minds of many believers who are not satisfied with business as usual…
The Lord is drawing those who have a burning passion to see every member of the church come alive and change the world. His Kingdom manifested on earth as it is in Heaven.
“Gather My godly ones to Me,
Those who have made a covenant with Me by sacrifice.” Paalm 50:5 NASB
Join us for The Kingdom Gathering. We’re going to begin this regional event with a full day of Presence based worship, powerful foundational teaching, and impartation to ignite you and to sustain an outpouring of revival fire in our region. Our heart is to create a habitation for His Presence.
Children ages 5-12 are invited to come participate in the Children’s Revival Breakout Session!
Registration is CLOSED for the Children’s Breakout session (children 5-12). It has reached capacity!
Childcare is not available.
Guest Speaker:
Pastors Todd & Karen Smith, Christ Fellowship Church of Dawsonville GA – Home of the North Georgia Revival
Children’s Revival Breakout Leaders:
Josh & Kate Richter – Root Bible Academy, Columbus OH
Kingdom Partners and Participants:
Mike and Bryn Kelly – Restoring Lives International, Cincinnati OH
Chris & Debra Monaghan – Gateway Church, Richmond, IN
Apostle John W. Stevenson – Heirs Covenant Church, Hamilton OH
Pamela Wantz – Linden Avenue Church, Dayton OH
Phil Nelson – Elevation Community Church, Blanchester OH
March 13, 2021 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. Doors open at 8:15 am.
The Embassy – home of Heirs Covenant Church, 621 S. Erie Blvd, Hamilton, OH 45011
Registration Fees:*
Individual: $10
Couple: $15
Family Registration: $25 for 3 or more family members. Children age 13 and above only.
Registration is CLOSED for the Children’s Breakout session (children 5-12). It has reached capacity!
*a love offering will be taken.
REGISTRATION IS CLOSED. Walk – in registrations only.