by Debbie Iding | Dec 27, 2023 | Testimony, Text Testimony, Text Testimony
I grew up in what appeared to be a normal family in a nice suburb of Cleveland, Ohio. My dad was a wonderful man who functioned beautifully in the outside world. However, at home it was “peace at any price” and Dad was like one of his 3 kids. Mother was a...
by Debbie Iding | Dec 27, 2023 | Featured Testimony, Testimony, Text Testimony, Text Testimony
In the fall of 2022 my husband, Craig, and I surprisingly found ourselves on the brink of divorce. Craig was my best friend ever since we started dating, but suddenly, we found ourselves constantly arguing. Our family unit was slowly deteriorating. At moments, I...
by admin | Jun 20, 2019 | Text Testimony
My hurt and pain started 2 weeks before my 13th birthday when I found my father laying on the floor in my parent’s bedroom unresponsive. He had suffered from a major stroke. Two days later a second stroke took his life. Six weeks after my father’s funeral my mother...
by admin | Dec 31, 2018 | Testimony, Text Testimony
I attended the RLI conference during the fall of 2014. For about two years before it I had been experiencing frustration and grief over not being able to feel God’s love for me although I knew He did. I also struggled with a lot of self-criticism, and the month before...
by admin | Sep 14, 2018 | Testimony, Text Testimony
We would like to thank you for leading the RLI conference we attended last September, and share some of the powerful ways your ministry has impacted us. We were dating when we attended the conference, and RLI provided a wonderful opportunity for us to get to know each...
by Debbie Iding | Aug 3, 2018 | Testimony, Text Testimony
When Angela’s husband Jimmy came to a conference at Elevation Church in Blanchester last year, Angela stayed home. Jimmy had such an amazing experience at the conference that he kept bugging her to go to a conference. Finally Angela decided to try out the conference...