by admin | Sep 14, 2018 | Featured Article, Newsletter, Power Tools
If you’re passionate about health and healing, you should be passionate about this. [God’s] the only person who belongs at the core of your heart and spirit. Nobody else knows you and loves you like Jesus, nobody else deserves your heart’s primary...
by Bryn Kelly | Aug 6, 2018 | Featured Article, Newsletter, Power Tools
“You’re stupid!” “Why can’t you try harder?” “You’ll never fit in!” Words like these can strike like a white-hot sword and do terrible damage to our souls. Words are even more damaging when they are spoken by people with influence and power over our...
by admin | May 26, 2018 | Featured, Featured Article, Newsletter, Power Tools, Powertools
Lately, I feel that God has been reminding me at every turn the paramount importance of love. After all, isn’t love at the very heart of our Christian walk? Not only does love strengthen and sweeten every other Christian character trait, but it should also...
by Chuck Clevenger | Aug 31, 2017 | Newsletter, Power Tools
I marvel that my grandchildren grow so quickly. My daughter is astounded that her son’s clothes are too small in just a couple weeks. And every time they come to visit, they seem to have mastered some new skill or learned a new word or phrase. My grandson today is not...
by Bryn Kelly | Aug 16, 2017 | Newsletter, Power Tools
Addictions are running rampant in the U.S. today. You can’t pick up a paper or turn on the TV without hearing about the epidemic of heroin overdose deaths. Did you know that the #3 killer in America is prescription painkillers? You see alcoholism, cigarette...
by Bryn Kelly | Jul 11, 2017 | Newsletter, Power Tools
This is YOUR LIFE. This is YOUR LAND. Has your land fallen into disrepair? Have things gotten a little rocky on your land? Are the weeds starting to grow up around your feet? Maybe you’ve stepped into a patch of mud and you seem to be tracking it all over your...