Are You Wearing a Mask?

Are You Wearing a Mask?

  By Bryn Kelly At the beginning of my healing/sanctification journey I learned that it was of utmost importance that I be honest with myself and honest with God – no matter how nasty, disgusting, or embarrassing the stuff inside me looked or felt.  No...
Roadmap to Restoration:  The 8 R’s

Roadmap to Restoration: The 8 R’s

How would you like a roadmap to health, restoration and freedom?  This month I want to share with you some fundamental steps to living free.  When we attended Pastor Henry Wright’s “For Your Life” conference in Thomaston, Georgia we were launched into a new adventure...

Overcoming Fear: Getting Beyond Fight or Flight

By Kari Kelly Ten years ago, I felt like I was called to do a PhD in physics and by the second year I knew that I was sinking! I was sinking because I listened to LIES.  I started my PhD with the idea that I was called to solve what is known as the problem of time in...
The Good News about Fear

The Good News about Fear

Up until 13 years ago there wasn’t a day in my life that I wasn’t afraid.  I lived in fear and terror every moment of every day. Throughout my adult life I had a deep fear of people; everyone, even my parents.  I had fear that people would reject me, hate me and yell...