by Bryn Kelly | Apr 6, 2017 | Newsletter, Power Tools
Is this a picture of you in your childhood? Left outside the circle and feeling rejected, lonely and confused? Feeling the spirit of rejection is one of the most emotionally devastating of all human emotions! It can leave deep, painful, emotional wounds in your...
by Bryn Kelly | Mar 17, 2017 | Newsletter, Power Tools
Life is so much more fun and rewarding when you live it with enthusiasm! Wouldn’t it be wonderful to feel the same eagerness, passion and zeal that children display when they are playing? The primary dictionary definition of enthusiasm is: “an intense and eager...
by Bryn Kelly | Mar 9, 2017 | Newsletter, Power Tools
A key part of a spiritual warrior’s character building is learning the ability to discipline our soul and to STILL the clamor within our hearts and minds. It is vital that we learn to be quiet and be still, resting in God, even in the face of adversity. Our first...
by Bryn Kelly | Mar 9, 2017 | Newsletter, Power Tools
There is a divine capacity to hear God’s voice built into all of us, a place where we will know His voice and respond. We are free to hear Him in our hearts. But just like world class athletes who practice daily to develop their skills, we must practice the art of...
by Bryn Kelly | Mar 9, 2017 | Newsletter, Power Tools
One of the most frequent questions we hear as Christians is “Why do bad things happen to good people?” In this world we see evidence of bad things happening to good people all the time. As a result, many people, both Christian and non-Christian, blame God and push...