April’s Story:  Fibromyalgia Gone!

April’s Story: Fibromyalgia Gone!

Several years ago I was miserable. I was battling extreme physical pain and fibromyalgia, I was battling a totally non-existent immune system, and I was in a very unhealthy marriage. I struggled daily with crippling, unnatural fears and panic attacks. I had spent...
Rev. Kathleen’s Story: Freedom and Unity!

Rev. Kathleen’s Story: Freedom and Unity!

My name is Rev. Kathleen Mae Masuba. I’m a missionary in Uganda, Africa. I am founder of the House of Grace orphanage and the Flame of Fire Bible Schools where we train Ugandan ministry leaders in the churches. I just wanted to thank you for Restoring Lives...

Jackie’s Story: From New Age to New Life!

Restoring Lives International.  What was that again?  A friend of mine mentioned that she was coming to Dayton for a conference … a healing conference.  I was a “healer” … a new-age, esoteric, hands-on healer myself.  I thought I’d like to go; might pick up a few...

Testimony: Pain Gone, Energy Back!

“I decided to attend the RLI conference at a point in my life when I felt the walls of auto-immune disease closing in once again. I had struggled for years with Hashimoto’s Disease and erosive gastritis, but in most recent weeks I had developed...