Several years ago I was miserable. I was battling extreme physical pain and fibromyalgia, I was battling a totally non-existent immune system, and I was in a very unhealthy marriage. I struggled daily with crippling, unnatural fears and panic attacks. I had spent years with medications, vitamins and an exercise regimen to try to manage my pain; I went to every women’s conference and read every book that I could find to try to make myself better. I spent hours crying out before The Lord to heal me, to deliver me. I was stuck in a cycle of trying to please everyone around me and find my worth and my value in doing for others- making them happy. I was constantly burdened with guilt, shame and unworthiness. Yet I served The Lord and had no reason for those negative emotions.
Several members of my family including my parents had been through RLI, but it wasn’t until my then brother in law came through a conference that I chose to come to my first conference. When I saw the freedom and the change in him I knew that that was what I wanted for myself. And I said to the Lord that I wanted as much freedom and healing as I could get. I came in expectant. I woke up Monday morning during my first conference and I felt good, I wasn’t in that much pain. And Tuesday morning I was in even less pain. And by Wednesday morning I realized all of the physical pain that I battled every single morning just to get up and go to work- the rigorous morning routine that I had of managing my pain so that I could function all day was no longer necessary because I was 100% pain-free and I have remained that way for nearly 5 years! God totally set me free of fibromyalgia! Not only that, but my feelings of guilt, shame, and the overwhelming fear that I battled on a daily basis were totally gone by the end of my first conference! I have never had a panic attack since my very first conference 5 years ago!
After my first conference my marriage came to an end. And had it not been for the freedom and teaching I received through RLI, I would not have come through that season of trial so victoriously. I have been ministering on the team for the last few years, and it has been the most active, anointed, Holy Spirit led season of my life. I’m totally free of all pain and fear. I have a new life – a restored life – because of this ministry.